Monday, October 6, 2008

Learned tons about Internet Marketing/Advertising today

So, I just spent about six hours learning about the technical aspects of Internet marketing/advertising and how Publishers (of the sites) can sell ad space to make money.

We started with the basics, Standard ad units: Skyscrapers (160x600 pixels), Leader board/banner ads (728x90) and Rectangle (300x250). We then got into the more customized complex ads: Video, rich media (any ad that lives beyond the physical boundaries of a standard ad unit) and discussed the companies that make them possible such as Point Roll and Ad Blaster.

Similarly to broadcast measurement, Digital measures impressions through a third party, either Nielsen Net Ratings or Com Score media metrics.

Some additional terms we discussed:

CTR - Click through rate - clicks/impressions (click counted when user clicks an ad)

CPA - Cost per acquisition - revenue/ (impressions/1000)

Companion Ad - standard graphic ad unit shown in tandem with video

Overlay - runs on top of video while it is playing

We discussed so much information, it is hard to compile into a simple entry. There are some really helpful links for the Internet marketer that help explain how all of this digital ad sales stuff works:

The IAB (Interactive Advertising Bureau) - helps to regulate and define terms used in digital advertising and media. The whole idea of selling online advertising space is changing so much everyday, there is little standardization and regulation, but this is an organize that does do so. As a publisher, on the sales side, was recommended. Happy learning!

1 comment:

James Moore said...

Thanks for sharing. Sounds like you were drinking from the firehose that day. Were there any specific "Aha!" moments?

There is another site I would add to your list of links:

Search Engine Land

This site provides valuable commentary on paid and organic search - the advice is generally timely and thought provoking.
